How we Report
Academic Assessment
All students are taught a knowledge-rich curriculum and this is reflected in all class assessments. Teachers assess using low stakes quizzes, whole class questions and answers, in some subjects more formal end of term assessments take place along side reading and maths tests.
All students are assessed on a 5 point scale:

Beginning - being introduced to the knowledge
Recall - being able to remember and recount the knowledge
Understanding - being able to explain what the knowledge means
Application - to be able to use the knowedge in context
Confident - being able to use knowledge appropriately
This allows all students to have repeated coverage of the same knowledge and for them to retain taught knowledge.
We expect that students will be taught within their year group’s objectives and will have reached ‘understanding’ level for the majority of objectives by the end of the year. However some students may be working consistently below so their assessments will be undertaken using objectives from lower age groups. Teachers will address gaps in learning so pupils still make progress with an aim to catch-up to their year group expectations.
You will be informed that your child is performing for each subject in one of the following categories:
> Well Below Age Related Objectives
> Below Age Related Objectives
> Meeting Age Related Objectives
> Exceeding Age Related Objectives
Progress Reviews
These takes many different forms:
Informal discussion between adults and children on a day to day basis;
Informal discussion between parents and staff on the telephone.
Discussion with parents through face to face contact – parent’s evenings, open days, coffee mornings, school plays and suppers, home visits and reviews.
Liaison meetings involving teacher tutor, SEMH Keyworker, case coordinator and pupil.
Every child attending Bure Park Specialist Academy will have an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan). This is the starting point for drawing up an individual programme for the pupil and evaluates the progress the child has made against the description of needs in the EHCP.
An annual review of the EHCP taeks place each year led by the Headteacher or Deputy Head. Monitoring is, of course, continuous and the review meeting is only a marking post in this process.
Reviews are based upon reports submitted by the teacher tutor, SEMH Keyworker, parent(s) and pupil. Any other professional agencies dealing with the child are invited to attend and it is expected that they too should submit reports at these meetings. Parents are expected to attend and participate in the review discussions, and receive copies of all reports detailing recommendations for the future, following the meeting.