Our Rewards
and Consequences
Puplis are encouraged and rewarded for appropriate work - meeting their Academic Targets and behaviour - meeting their Individual Social Programmes (explained under Residence section). This informs them in clear specific terms what it is that they are being rewarded for. Rewards are to be given as soon as possible after they have been earned. Rewards can take the form of social reward, private praise; symbolic reward (vouchers collected to spend on prizes ranging from a football to a laptop), tangible rewards (certificates, performer of the week, postcards home, trips etc.). Some students may be uncomfortable with public praise and staff will be sensitive to the needs of the individual and respond accordingly.
The school community meets weekly as a whole for a school Meeting. This takes the form of passing on information and news, covering Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) messages, displaying and praising good work, effort and endeavour. Other strategies to encourage and reward positive behaviour include termly Commendations Awards and accreditation certificates for various activities in and out of the school.
The school has a behaviour management system called the Privilege Scheme which has different levels. The aim of this system is to encourage and reward positive behaviour by the provision of appropriate privileges and greater levels of trust and responsibility. Levels are reviewed on a regular basis. A copy of the scheme is given to parents and pupils.